HEYY my first one!!!! lol

Jul 26, 2005 02:55


This is a prettty shweet layout lol thankss KT~~lol

I just got back from florida!! it was so much funN and i got pretty tan so its all good..

Last nite i went to Jess's house and we went for a walk with kt and talked to ppl on the fone. we got a lot of honks and whistles! lol yeah and some scary guys like took a picture of us with his camera fone! ahhh!! lol then we went to kt's house and sorta kinda watched Laguna Beach ---LB!the new seasonn!!! yay! lol and then went back to jessi's. we were gonna make a chocolate pudding pie but her sis used up all the milk so today when we woke up we went to dunkin donuts then to kt's house and made the chocolate thing it was pretty yummy! then lol i stepped in dog or animal pee lol!! it was gross! yeah then we kinda sorta watched THirteen and played darts (go jess! i suck!lolo) nd kt made us ljs! lol yeah so that was my day so far.. now im so bored lol cuz im back at homme nd there partyin w/o me lol jk

ttyl lyl call me on my cell-- 9353836
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