I SAW "9" YESTERDAY (AT 9:30PM WHICH IS FITTING, LMAO) AND IT WAS GOOD. It would have been better in 3-D and definitely would have been better in IMAX and probably would have made my head explode in 3-D IMAX, BUT WHATEVER. 3, 4, and 6 are absolutely amazing. 7 kicks ass, and 9 is ... :) Well, everyone knows how I feel about Elijah Wood. I wanted to
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01. Full name
Kadaj. That's it.
02. Best friend
Garnet. It was a bit of playercest, I admit.
03. Sexuality
04. Favorite color
05. Relationship status
06. Ideal mate
07. Turn-ons
Leather. Silver hair. Aggression.
08. Last sexual experience
Oh man. idk, but I know it was with Kuja.
09. Favorite food
I don't remember. D:
10. Crushes
Kuja, Garnet.
11. Favorite music
Emo shit. Angry shit.
12. Biggest fear
Being alone.
13. Biggest fantasy
Acceptance. Having a family.
14. Quirks in bed
Depends on his mood, really. He can be aggressive and demanding. Wax play, definitely.
15. Bad habits
Throwing a fit when he doesn't get his way. Manipulating people, even over stupid things.
16. Biggest regret
Oh my god, he had this huge fight with Kuja that involved a lot of screaming and physical abuse. There were scissors involved. Kadaj ... threw a flashlight at Kuja, I think? The details are a little fuzzy. Someone almost got cut. Seriously. It would up with Kadaj breaking down.
17. Best kept secrets
His fears (of being alone, being unaccepted, etc.)
18. Last thought
He's kind of still buzzing around, so he didn't really have one....
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience
Sleeping with Garnet was pretty bad. Not because it was bad, but because he shouldn't have done it.
20. Biggest insecurity
Already mentioned this one a few times. :(
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