Bakersfield Independent Film Festival 2.0 is tonight. For those of you who can't make it, follow the cut to see the films that whill be playing.
They're kicking off th events with my film
Death metal Fluteophone
Family Values
Tomorrow they're showing one of the films I submitted to BIFF 1.5
Life as a Zombie
And some new(ly submitted) films:
Bathroom Man
N.L. Belardes posted this film on his blog: Schizo: Diary of a Madman
And my "cinema of the lords" contest entry
Some info on the contest: page hasn't been updated in a while, but the deadline is null since only two people before me submitted entries. Rickey told me Nick Belardes really wanted me to submit a film)
Here's the blog Nick Belardes wrote about the last festival, featuring a little section about my films: