Night Eight --- {the Night of America and Mystery Santa}
Long before the update a few are online
Chatting so slowly to waste some small time
And with Cleverbot there we’re not bored much, really
And the food porn helps too, as we drool immodestly
New Years slowly hits in the world one by one
And though comments are slow, firework pics are fun
And we celebrate together no matter where
Midnight is hitting, we all really don’t care
Then update time comes and HST too
And the codes turn red, purple. Black comes into view
And the wait makes us yearn for the perfect sight
Of America’s big blue eyes, the spamming is right!
And the picspams keep coming, with pairings and more,
And the update time’s changed, our ship can’t land ashore
And the update comes late: but not Code Black yet
When we refresh the blog and get drawings of cats
(Ameripan strip, a New Year one at that.)
And the New Year’s chimes finally on the USA
While the freedom-spam starts pouring our way
ESTers with their party hats on
And a lightning update of France with a woman
And though CSTers are to get their midnight update
Of course, as expected, the next one’s slightly late
But it’s well worth it once we press f5 and see
Romano with Prussia and Germany
Romano! He smiles! The fandom’s berserk,
And not only that, but he’s doing work!
And the music that soon comes as an update
Is easy to rock out to, we agree it’s great.
Ladonia’s appearance makes everyone happier
Until someone remarks that it looks like Ikea!
After that, the forums seem somehow quite dead -
Don’t move much, despite f5ing the thread
But once Captcha is reached and we move once again
Things begin to speed up and in the end
A new update emerges! And it’s not so okay
Because Santa is there, happily driving his sleigh!
We question what happened to our dear Finland,
And we theorize, and wonder, and try to understand
In the end, most of us turn out horribly wrong
Santa’s a mere toymaker playing dress-up.
I’d also like to mention that there was an earthquake in Japan during this day/night. Luckily, everyone appeared to be okay. We got news of it almost right as the CSTers were about to celebrate, and we had much worrying and mood whiplash. Our prayers are still with Japan.
Link to master post