Hello! My first month of summer vacation has gone rather spectacularly. I went to New York City, my family had a garage sale, and then we went to Florida for a few weeks. Now that I'm home for good, I can share my pictures! :D
I LOVE NEW YORK CITY! I had already been to NYC twice before, but this time, I was with a class, so I was on my own for a lot of it!
Our rooms in New York were fairly tiny. Once again, though, I hit the jackpot when it came to rooms - I was the odd one out, and got this room all to myself!
One of the first things my class did was go to the 9/11 Memorial:
We also ate at fast food places a lot. I tried more international food on this trip! And every time I had pizza, it was delicious.
We also went to Central Park. The person in this photo is my teacher. She was awesome. :)
While architecture wasn't one of the focuses of our school trip (we were going to museums and galleries), we did spend a while looking at buildings, such as this cathedral!
We'd spend the morning in art museums, and then our teacher would let us leave mid-afternoon, so we were often on our own in the evenings and for dinner. One day, I decided to go to the United Nations Building. I bought a ticket for a tour!
My tour group consisted of people from Iran, China, and the UK, as well as me - from the United States. Our tour guide was from the Republic of the Congo.
This is me with my UN visitors badge, waiting for the tour:
I also found myself in Midtown Comics, a HUGE comic book store! I was really happy. :D
It was a great trip. I rode in an airplane for the first time in my life. I was farther from my parents than I'd ever been before. I'm very glad I had this opportunity! :D