The first night --- {The Night It Started and Couchtalia Began}
‘Twas the eve before Christmas and all ‘cross the ‘net;
People blogging of presents they’re soon gonna get
Of their family and friends and the Christmas Eve meal,
But us, no not us, our excitement was real:
Himaruya had posted he’d start 10 a.m.,
For us all across the world it meant no sleep again
As the bloodbath approached we all began with glee
To fill up our first thread… it’s not spam, no sirree!
In the span of a few hours before the first post,
hundreds of comments… we’re already lost
In the throes of the bloodbath, the squees ringing loud
And the update approaching; we’d gathered a crowd
Some from Singapore, New York, some from Philippines
Some from Sweden, Taiwan, Brazil, and it seems
Even Poland and Estonia got in on the glee
New Zealanders, too, and some from Italy
(And that's only a small part of our wordwide party)
We all wait and chat, not much happening
Until the first update is almost a THING
…then Himaruya gives unfortunate news:
The update’s put off due to coloring issues.
(So the update’s a while off, spazzing’s not through)
The first update appears with a press of f5
And the translators frantically jolt more alive
To our frenzied cries and our cautious catcalls
As we see our fave characters starting to talk
“America!” We cry as we watch, “And the Axis!”
We don’t know what’s going on, and we can’t relax,
Cause translations are coming, and we need to know,
And Google Translate shows nonsense when given a go.
While we wait, we watch Finland and his progress through NORAD
And wonder what he’ll bring us this coming up morning
And wait for the next update in 90-some minutes
(Knowing Hima, though, there’ll be HST with it).
And slowly, oh slowly, translations come in
And the entire community freaks out again
The thread soon fills up with a series of squeals
As Kugelmugel and Liechtenstein take the wheel
Day 1’s end approaches with sleepy delight
Most of us having stayed up through the night
Having HST freakouts and pressing F5
While others just watched all the comments fly by
The last Christmas update was posted, and hey-
The next update 11 whole hours away!
But the update itself contains something strange -
And we all tear our hair out to try to explain…
And with that one new pic, a whole meme is made
And most of us act like we’ve drunk the Kool-aid
Posting bad puns and wond’ring what the heck
Austria’s doing on Germany’s back…
With the Couchtalia meme now in full swing,
We sit back and wait for what tomorrow brings
So we tune into livestreams, tohla and tumblr,
And while away hours in our internet corner…
Link to master post here