Feeling like a cog is missing.

Oct 30, 2007 00:03

P.S. it was HunY's 34th birthday today.  She could be as old as I am, and somehow she's not.  I will miss her when she gradumitates.

{sigh} don't it all be crazies?  and, no matter how early I get into lab, I can't help but leave late.  It's some comfort level.  I dont' like leaving when I could just as well be getting free NMR time..  peace and quiet..  nice things.

I got to work 13 hours ago.
And that's all normal..  ? normal?  Yeah, without TV or other wholesome distractions..  without somebody to go see at home.. I've got little else to do.  So I do what is fun.. or at least, what I am driven to do, because it is what I do..  I research.

But now I'm tired.
G-bot tireds...  maybe sleeps?

I am impatient, I want so much, and I want things to go well.  Don't we all?
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