yeearrrrr! Happy birthday!

Jan 30, 2007 21:27

So.  Today is Dr. Patrick Walsh's birthday! (right, right... I need to learn to call him PAT.  PAT WALSH.  MUST LEARN!!)

He is 43.
He is pretty cool, for being over the hill.  Looks younger than that, too.  I think.  I can't tell ages yet, I take it back.  No.. no I don't.  I think he looks (and acts) decently young.  Has nifty new glasses, too.
Aaaaanyway, I have the awesomest advisor!
Plus, the Walsh group just has the kick-butt chemistry, y'know?  CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRY CHEMISTRYYY!!!!

We had a birthday party today.
Lucky yesterday I gave Mike my contact info. to add to the group list.  He emailed last night with thst stuff people were bringing.
The party was at 5, and I had class till 4:30, so I had just 30 minutes to figure something out...
I wandered to the Left bank and tried Intermezzo, but they didn't have fruit, and only smoked salmon, which was OK, but not ideal.. I wanted more.
Next, I went nextdoor to Picnic.  They didn't have smoked salmon, but they DID have cut up mixed fruits (strawberries, pineapple, melon, grape...)  and I peeked into their fridge pantry, and saw the most delicious grapes EVER!  Needless to say, I ordered about a pound of the fruit salad, and then a bunch apiece of dark grapes and green grapes (I'm loathe to call them "red" grapes, because there was nothing red about them!).
It perfectly packed into a large clear plastic take-out deli container (y'know the kinds you stick a whole hoagie meal into?), and I got back to IAST 300 with 2 minutes to spare.
There was singing, and a cake (carrot cake) blowing-out, and 3 kinds of cheeses, and crackers, and an oreo creme pie (homemade by Mike!), and sodas and Asti (good call, Luca!), and so yeah, the fruit fit in beautifully!  I love grapes and cheese.  And I got the catering-pilfered red wine out too...
Brie and wine are really great buddies.

MMm... Brie...

So yeah.  On the anniversary of Walsh's birthday, I got MY DESK!
Huzzah!  Two things to celebrate!
Fittingly, I am settling into Alfred's old desk, and maintaining the inorganic stronghold.
I put an empty cup of coffee there and a paper bag.
Soon there will be paper and pens making their way over.
There is a slide-out laptop/keyboard counter, a light, a window.  I have a sunny window!
I am in IAST 3790.
This is the new home (starting potentially in March) of the G-bot.

The celebration begins.
But first.  Homework.  Again.  And MORE!

2.2 weeks!  I can barely wait!
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