Mar 19, 2010 12:20

alias: ghost.
age: 18 years old.
power: invisibility / intangibility / phasing.
Roni Danes, AKA Ghost, is the side-kick and close friend of young superhero Firefly. She discovered her powers an embarrassing situation involving white pants and water left her-- well, wishing to be invisible. After discovering she could vanish and pass through solid objects, she took on the superhero persona "Ghost," teaming up with fellow super Firefly to oppose crime, evil-doers, and bad parties-- especially if any of the above happen to be involved with villain Borealis. She mostly serves as the helping hand, using her powers to scout out, distract, and otherwise befuddle the enemy.

By day, Roni is a freshman in college, studying photography. Her professors are always bewildered by how she manages to get the shots that she does (the secret is trespassing, but no one will ever have proof), and she spends most of her time with her friends, working at her grades, or on the beach trying to score brownie points with her crush.

alias: bandit.
age: 25 years old.
power: perfect accuracy.
Eddy Carden, AKA Bandit, grew up poor in a city slum, the youngest of several children raised by a single mother. She was eventually expelled from high school for starting fights and various other delinquencies, including the hospitalization of a football player. She left home when she became pregnant with the child of her on-and-off boyfriend at the time and discovered her powers when, six months pregnant, she resisted abuse by shooting him squarely in the head with her eyes half-closed.

The authorities let Eddy go clean on the basis of self-defense, but she lost the baby, who would have been a little girl. Afterward, Eddy cut all her hair, bought a leather jacket, and picked up two pistols. One she named Ziggy Stardust, and the other Lady Jane. Readily armed, she began work as a neutral gun-for-hire, calling herself a regular working American who just needs to pay the bills. Often spotted bantering with regular client Piper.

alias: voltage.
age: 22 years old.
power: electrokinetic.
Avery Kirchhoff, AKA Voltage, spent the majority of being eighteen in prison for gang activity and assault. Nearing the one year anniversary of his incarceration, Avery and a handful of the other inmates attempted to break out during a blackout and the resulting prison riot. Escape seemed believable-- the high-voltage electric fence that usually kept the inmates trapped was down. However, the armed prison guards weren't. Conflict broke out near the periphery of the prison grounds, and the poorly armed inmates dropped quickly. Under pressure, Avery's powers revealed themselves.

The newspapers would report the death of several inmates and police officers as a result of a freak accident with the electric fence. Avery Kirchhoff was reported among the prisoners still unaccounted for. Dodging the authorities, he took on the alias "Voltage" and began work with city gangs until he met Ahn Hae-Min, a crime boss's widow with powers. He followed her into work with Borealis and remains her loyal, foul-mouthed thug.

alias: paladin.
age: 27 years old.
power: sheild-like carbon coat over skin.
Maire Flannery, AKA Paladin, is the older sister of well-known mercenary " Krieg." Less a mercenary than a chaotic neutral force, Maire's favorite hobby is following and taunting her little sister, whose hatred of Maire comes from the fact that no matter how strong she becomes, no physical blow can penetrate Maire's shield-skin. Still, Maire insists on pet names and mockery thinly veiled in sweetness. She will often hunt down and confront Maeve, forcing her into a fight that will inevitability end in a loss for the younger Flannery.

Lately, however, Maeve has eluded her, and Maire suspects it has something to do with Puppy.

alias: hessian.
age: 19 years old.
power: pain manipulation / muscle memory.
The future son of Maeve Flannery and Wyatt Brooks.


#veronica danes (ghost), !universe: superheroes, @superheroes, #maire flannery (paladin), #ronan flannery (hessian), #eddy carden (bandit), #avery kirchhoff (voltage)

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