I am a 21 year old female and I live in the United States in the "South" and that is as specific as I'll get. I started this journal as an outlet for my sexual side. These are the parts of me I don't want everyone to know about, whether it be in real life or even here on LJ. I do not give my name or my state or show my face. I want to remain anonymous; please do not ask me to reveal information to you.
I've had this journal for two years now and my journal has progessed from more than a place to detail my sexuality, it has become a personal journal too. I don't want to have to keep the two separated all of the time. I write about my own personal sexual experiences and I also write 'erotica'. I've been known to share some pictures of myself as well. Please do not request to be added with the intention of just seeing pictures of me naked. There are plenty of communities out there for you to get your cheap thrills, my journal isn't one of them.
I'm looking for intelligent, sexy (which has a very broad range of definitions) and interesting people with writing skill of all sorts to add to my friends list. If you are on my friends list I will read your entries and try to comment where I see fit. I expect the same in return.
Also, just to clear the air, please don't think of this journal as my way to find a date; I have a boyfriend of three years. I enjoy flirting and like chatting via IM (my info is available to friends) and may talk sex with you, but please realize that it is only talk and nothing real will ever come of it. I don't want to give false impressions or lead people on. It's strictly fantasy. And no, I do not have a web cam.
The original image is by
Anne Taintor, an awesome artist. I just altered it for my own means.
Please read before you ask to be added
1. First and foremost, you must be 18 to read my journal. Period. I will not add you if you are under 18 or you do not have a birthdate listed in your user info.
2. The content within my journal is intimate either sexually or 'emotionally' so I do not let everyone in. I am very picky in my friends. Stop and ask yourself before you ask to be added: “Would people who do not know me in persona honestly find my entries interesting to read?” Please don’t take it personally if I say no to friend requests.
3. I enjoy "getting to know" the people on my list. I try to comment frequently on my friends' posts and I except the same back. If you pretty much never leave comments, unless you have a great journal, I'll delete you. I think the whole idea behind journals is a sense of community and friendship and I expect that.
Along a similar line, I expect people on my list to post on at least a semi-frequent basis. Meaning at least once a month unless you mention your absence, but really I want friends who post weekly. You can’t really get to know someone who never makes posts.
I go through my friends list often and delete people who are inactive, never comment, haven't said word one to me, etc. If I can’t remember who you are and we haven’t “bonded” at all, expect a delete. If I remove you from my list and you feel you were done wrong, I am open to reconsideration. If I don’t add you back, PLEASE remove me from yours.
4. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT ask me to add you if you have a journal with no content. You will get a big fat no. Please do not insult me by asking to read my personal thoughts and experiences and offering me nothing in return besides a few comments. I want to read/look at entries.
5. PLEASE do not add me without saying anything. I like people to leave me a comment asking to be added, not just "letting me know" you've added me. I don't view that as friendly behavior. I know it is a fairly common practice here on LJ, but I would appreciate a bit more consideration
6. If you have a friends only journal, add me first so I can look at it and see if I enjoy it. If I decide not to add you PLEASE remove me from your list.
I don't mean for these "rules" to make me seem like an elitist. It became apparent to me that they would be necessary though after I kept getting many friend requests. It seems like mostly people whose journals are not at all what I am interested in want to be added to fulfill some sort of voyeuristic curiouisty. Chances are, I’ll like you ;-)