A new year, a new decade, a new post

Jan 01, 2010 00:32

Originally published at Gilthalas' Journal. You can comment here or there.

What a year.  Can I even start to recap it?

About this time last year, we decided we were going to move.  The long road to packing everything away to make a house normally occupied by 2 adults and 2 boys under the age of 5 look presentable started in full force.  After many many months of packing, we made our house ready for sale - and sold it in 12 days.  We found a house not too long after that, after searching far and wide across the county, that ended up being 2 minutes away from where we lived.  Yes, my commute got 2 minutes shorter.

Noah turned 5 in April.  I still cannot grasp the amount of time that has transpired since I first found out I was going to be a dad.  It is amazing how 5 years can go by in the blink of an eye.  Noah is reading at almost a third grade reading level - needless to say he is kicking ass in Kindergarten and taking names.  His math and writing still has some catching up to do, but he is doing so well in school, and he makes me proud every day.

Daniel turned 2 in September.  The little squirt has the cutest personality.  He’s starting to enter that phase where you can see he is really thinking about things as he watches them.  He asks full questions with a stern look in his eye (“Daddy, what is that?”), has the cutest giggle in the world, and absolutely loves his bigger brother.  He decided over xmas break at my parent’s that he was going to start to sleep in a toddler bed, and he performed wonderfully.  Never got up in the middle of the night, not once. When did my little boy grow up?

Work is moving at a feverish pace.  We are approximately 441 days away from Mercury Orbital Insertion as I write this post.  We have increased the size of our development team by a few folks, and we are heading into the home stretch.  I’m going to start working on some iPhone apps at APL starting this year, and I’ll be able to take a little break from MESSENGER.

If you’re reading this - and I know, few people do, you’ve noticed this is the first long, non-tweet based post I’ve made in a while.  I know I tend to say this every year, but I’m going to work better at blogging this year.  The reason is simple - we are all getting older.  I was so mad at my parents for never developing rolls and rolls of film I took as a kid, trying to capture my memories for later revisiting.  I don’t want Older Josh to be mad at Younger Josh for doing the same thing.  While Facebook and Twitter have definitely helped with this lately, I need someplace more centric to store my thoughts.  So, I’m going to push for weekly if not daily posts about what has been going on in my life, and in my mind.  I’m going to try to be more open with my thoughts and my feelings, more like who I used to be back in high school.  I’ve been afraid of stating certain opinions or arguing certain points because I don’t want to turn people away, but you know, fuck it - if the people I am debating with are my friends, they’ll accept my opinion, and we’ll move along.  We are who we are, and we should all learn to accept that.

I’m going to recap Hannumas (and the 2009 Winter Holidays in general) in my next post.  See you all then!

deep thoughts, josh

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