Nov 13, 2005 23:43
In the mess that has been my life of late, a great many things have transpired.
I have started school, of sorts. I have been working far too hard for far too little. I have been calloused, cold, and harsh to those near me. I have learned of sickness in those near me and I too have felt sickness myself. I have pulled myself inward and made no real efforts to contact anyone. I have been a no-show and cursed others for doing the same to me.
I'm sorry. I really am sorry. I have done things that some may find unable to excuse. If that is your will, then so be it, that is your will. But the hate has got to end. The hate of myself, the hate of others. It's over.
I have come to grips with the fact that I am poor, both of time and money. But I have also come to realize that I am rich. Rich with friends and family who care for me. Rich with ability and rich with life. So I am making myself available again. As long as it is not between 7:30 am on Monday and 4 pm on Friday, I am open to you all. The cloud is gone and I am ready to be friendly again.
Having said all of this, it pains me greatly to have come to the decision which I arrived at this morning. I am not going to be home for Thanksgiving for the first time in 31 years. So yeah, for the first time ever. So if anyone finds themselves in the same shoes, let me know. We can feast together, we can be family for one another. Then we can get gut-rot together and fight for the bathroom. Everything a good Thanksgiving should be.
I really do miss you guys. I got away from the reason I was here to beging with. I'm sorry.