10th grade Schedual

Jul 13, 2005 10:09

OK so I went to the guidance office today because my schedual conflicted. We got it all sorted out and so this is my current schedual: pd1 Honors English, pd2 German III (which is coincidentally the same period I had German II last year), pd3 Honors Math Analysis (Yeah I know I'm smart), pd 4/5 Honors Chemistry I (so glad I didn't have to change it!) pd 6 ABCDE Lunch, pd 6/7 F Honors Chemestry I (the lab period), pd 7/8 ACE Health (I just added that to get it out of the way), pd 7/8 BD Highway traffic Safety (Drivers Ed), pd 8 F Lunch (F days are going to be so confusing), pd 9 Western Civilizations, pd 10 ACE Concert Choir (Definately wasn't dropping this), pd 10 BD PE 10th (glad I have Gym last period I think next year I'll take gym over the summer) pd 10 F Study Hall (F day is really messed up)
So yeah pretty much I dropped Music Theory and took Health instead. I'm not that upset in fact I'm pretty releived that it doesn't mess with Hon Chem of Choir. The F day is really going to mess me up though. at least it's only F day that's strange and all the rest are normal! So I'm getting out of the way all the things that are reccomended for getting out of the way in 10th grade (except for L&C which I already took and those little 9th grade buggers aren't going to have to take it! grrr I hate them so much!) then I'll just take gym over the summer next summer and I'll be free to take some cool classes Junior and Senior years and I'll have some study halls to relax in. I can take Music Theory then and Webpage design. And I can take some high lvl Math and Sciences. I'm glad I went and did all this today so now I can better plan out my future years in High School!
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