Apr 09, 2009 13:10
So..it's been about 100 years since I have actually posted to my LJ. In attempt to avoid filing work I am going to do a bit right now.
I don't remember the last thing of substance I posted, so I'll just mention a few things going on right now, and what might happen later.
Last week I had pneumonia. That was not fun and on Monday and Tuesday I was pretty sure that getting hit by a bus would have improved my condition.
Ed and I have decided to push our wedding date back a year.. not because we are having problems but because the economy is scary, we have hardly any savings, we are paying for the wedding ourselves, and I will (Gods willing) be in the Interpreter Training Program at LCC next fall. The ITP is intense and requires a shit-ton of time and work so planning a wedding at the same time is probably not a good idea.
No word yet on whether I will still have a job at the end of June. I might get bumped out by a higher seniority person, but for now they have just left us hanging.
Sign classes are going well. In Sign 3 I am carrying about a 96 or 97%. Sign to Voice isn't as good but I'm only half a percent shy of a 4.0 right now so that's what I'm going for. Sign to Voice is fucking hard.
D&D is lots of fun. I play in 2 4e groups. I play a tiefling warlock in one (weee, set shit on fire!) and an elven ranger that will soon be hybrid with druid in the other. In our last session my ranger kicked ass on a nature check so now has a pet black dragon wyrmling. His name is Elliot.
I never have enough time in my life to do everything I want to do, but this summer I am determined to go away for at least two weekends, one of which will be to Lake Michigan/Grand Haven. The other one might be Put-In-Bay if I'm lucky. Ed's never been and I think it'll be lots of fun. There will also be trips to Wisco, at least 2. Those should be fun and we might actually try to make it to Polka Days.
Well that's all I can think of for now. If anyone is still reading, thanks.