Drabble: Here Comes the Bride (Harry Potter fandom)

Jan 15, 2010 21:07

Title: Here Comes the Bride
Pairing & fandom: Remus/Tonks (Harry Potter)
Ratings & Warnings: PG for mild swearing
Prompt: "You haven't got another bottle full of - I don't know..." "Essence of Insanity?" (Only used the last part of quote.)
Format & Word Count: Drabble, 500 words
Summary: "I'm sorry you couldn't be there, Harry, it was very quiet." But is Remus guilty of a little over-exaggeration when it comes to his wedding?
Author's Notes: This is a bit of light-hearted nonsense, really - but it would be rather nice to think it was exactly like this? ;) Originally written for the Christmas Cracker Advent at metamorfic_moon, December 2009.

Here Comes the Bride

For a wedding which required only five people to attend - and one of those was the presiding official - there appeared to be a great many bodies waiting in a very small office space.

Remus, caught in the doorway, and in a moment of profound worry about the fact that he wasn’t actually worrying any more because he was so darn happy, found his brain a little slow to react. By the time it had, Molly Weasley and a silver tray were in front of him.

“Canapé?” she said. “Oh you look so handsome, dear.”

“No, thank you, and, er, thank you.” He broke off as she straightened his pink buttonhole, wishing Tonks hadn’t been delayed by having to sign yet another form of consent on the way in. “Again, thank you. Molly. What are you doing here?”

“We‘re all here for you.” She gestured behind her, and he realised that, unbelievably, they really all were.

Andromeda and Ted, official guests and witnesses, were being rapidly absorbed by those who weren’t. Ted grinning widely as Bill passed him a glass, and Andromeda’s aloof expression being no match for a determined-looking Ginny bearing balloons and sausage rolls.

“We really weren’t happy with that last letter you got. All those legal requirements.” Molly pursed her lips in disapproval. “Snide, sneering and downright nasty.”

“The strictly private and confidential one?” Remus asked, rather feebly.

“A copy went to the Aurors, of course. Arthur was simply furious when he read it.”

Remus wondered about raising the point that Arthur wasn’t an Auror, but there were a lot of points fighting it out for precedence.

“This is… magnificent of you all, but-” Also, insane?

“Did you know the Ministry only leases this building?” Kingsley had the cool assurance of a man who knew his facts. “They may have jurisdiction over you two, but not us.”

The official, looking precise, pompous, and decidedly pissed off, chose that moment to hurry forward.

“Mr Lupin! I am conducting this ceremony against my better judgement, and you are rapidly turning it into a circus!”

“And if you don’t conduct it now,” growled Mad-Eye Moody, before anyone else had a chance to speak, “I’ll show you how easy it is for a wizard to lose a buttock!”

He winked at someone as he spoke, and Remus instantly swung round to see Tonks standing behind him.

“Fleur,” she said with a grin, watching as he took in the pink floral dress. “I said no way to the tiara.”

“You look beautiful.” Remus swallowed hard. “Let’s get married, Miss Tonks?”

“Let’s, Mr Lupin.”

And so Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin walked hand in hand up what was now a very short red-carpeted aisle, with musical accompaniment from the twins.

Here comes the bride
Pink, purple or dyed?
Here comes the groom
Don’t mention the moon…

“This is complete and utter madness,” Remus whispered to her, his heart singing all the same.

Dark, shining eyes met his.

“And isn’t it absolutely glorious?” she said.

mad-eye moody, drabble, metamorfic_moon, romantic comedy, nymphadora tonks, rated pg, remus lupin, humour, molly weasley

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