Title: Disturbing the Universe I/II
Pairing/Characters: Remus/Tonks; original character
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 2179
Summary: When it comes to obtaining a marriage licence, Remus and Tonks find it pays to be one step ahead of the law. Set at the end of HBP.
Author's Note: I have a lot of unfinished drabbles and fics, which I'm taking some time
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In the first scene, I thought you blended the angst with a peaceful sort of joy in their silent partnership as they endure what they have to to reach their goal, which seems like quite a trick to me. It might be hard, but at least their doing it together and can even find a moment for mischief to arise.
I loved the description of their first meeting, the things that Remus remembered most and his sense of something having shifted. Your Tonks is always so refreshingly forthright, which probably strips away a lot of wasted time in hand-wringing. ;) Point is, though, it really sets her on an even footing with him because she can step up to the plate and fight her corner, and his, and her logic really is iron tight - poor Remus didn't stand a chance!
Really loved this, and I'm looking forward very much to the next part, but I order you not to worry about it and take as much time as you need! x
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