Title: Into the Blue
Genre: Romance, lots of. ;)
Rating & Warnings: PG
Word Count: 2,645
Summary: “Walk with me?” he asked, and the smile widened as he saw she remembered that those were almost the first words he’d ever said to her. Remus has arranged a very special day for Tonks and so, it seems, has everyone else… Set at the end of HBP.
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One thing I love that you did was to drop the 'Remus' and 'Tonks' tags and use 'he' and 'she' for most of the story. As a reader, names get clumsy when only two characters are in the scene.
They do. I think they reduce the sense of intimacy as well. I tried to only use them when there was any possible confusion who 'he' could be, and the beauty of fanfic (and something I must learn to forget again with original, lol) is how many gaps the reader fills in for you. Hopefully, from the first description of 'him' waiting for her, everyone knew it was Remus waiting for Tonks. Though I have noticed I completely skipped over anyone asking anyone else security questions, so perhaps everyone was waiting for a Death Eater. ;)
Thank you for such lovely, thoughtful comments, which mean a lot coming from you. As for the layout, the header's all thanks to ladybracknell, and the icon is yet another I love from you-know-where!:D
Ah yes, but many readers are often quick to point out what's been forgotten, too. Not so lovely.
Either way, well used speaker tags! Easy to read, with or without reader gap filling to back up the characters.
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