Title: Under Cover of Darkness
Characters: Charlie, Tonks, Remus
Rating & Warnings: PG-13
Word Count: 3865
Summary: Tonks was shaking her head. “I think one day someone will come along and I’ll - I’ll be so bowled over from lack of practice and by him, that my only chance of surviving it all is if he’s the same.”
Author’s Notes: I seem to have
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So Tonks has read Anne of Green Gables, has she? I always knew she was a kindred spirit. :)
I hope you're pleased you stuck with this fic, because it really is a great one. Not only because it captures the raw longing that draws R/T fans to the pairing in the first place, but because in usual Gilpin fashion, you make me take a keen interest in a character I'd never cared much about before reading your take on him! Poor Charlie and his isolation, both self-imposed and the result of his chosen vocation. Really thoughtful observations of him, I quite enjoyed seeing that angle of the Weasley family dynamic, since he's as ignored by fanfic writers as he is by JKR -- and R/T is the logical place for him to come in, since he and Tonks are in the same year!
I love how even though Remus is barely in this fic in his physical form, and yet he's there throughout, from the moment Charlie sees Tonks. As if they're already so inexorably connected that there's no separating them. There was even a sense of when Tonks is joking about her 16-year-old self pining for Charlie, she wasn't really talking about when she was 16 at all. And of course, when Remus does enter stage right, there really is that current of electricity which Charlie feels. Their little exchange of dialogue goes quite like their duels, I imagine. Remus so politely defends and defends. Let's hope when Charlie leaves, he actually pulls out a very useful little spell to make Tonks feel more pink. ;)
Really enjoyed this! And now, to bed. :)
I'm very glad you enjoyed this as it did turn out rather different to how it had once started off life and opening paragraphs. The only time I see Charlie in fanfic, he either appears to be superstud!Charlie or Tonks' ex, and I find that a bit of a jump to get my head around. It's probably as big a jump to get to my version of the slightly out-of-place, kind loner, but Ron likes him a lot in the books, even if he never comes home for Christmas hols or anything (or JKR forgets to mention it), and I like to think he and Tonks were friends with things in commmon and still get on well now. Especially as it was necessary here that they do, lol.
It's always fun to write R/T having yet another painfully angsty moment through the eyes of another character. I am quite tempted to write part of what was originally planned one day as a kind of sequal - it would be fun to have them actually duel and literally thrash it all out. And for Remus to stop defending... ;)
Thank you.:D As always.
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