Winterval is coming to town!

Dec 06, 2011 21:59

There has been fierce competition today for the most irritating moment, and the award goes to approximately 3.10pm when I opened my pack of this year's favourite Christmas cards - because you always save those for the people who deserve them, don't you? - and found that the envelopes were fractionally too small for the cards. WHY? Suffice it to say, they are no longer my favourite cards, especially after I spent another ten minutes trying every envelope in the house to see if anyone would notice opening a card that was bouncing around in an envelope twice its size. Conclusion: yes, you certainly will. ;)

Anyway, we all need some cheer - and I'm not even mentioning the LJ attacks, except I've been trying to post this since this morning so please leave LJ alone - and I know this has been all over my f-list already but, in case you haven't seen it, it's Winterval time again. It's an event at the very friendly pulped_fictions community, which runs from Dec. 1st to Feb. 29th. Which means there is plenty of time to take part and events designed to suit everyone, whether you have minutes or hours to spare, or simply fancy some Christmas reading, reviewing and discussions. It's a community for original fiction and art, there are three teams with the emphasis very much on having fun and challenging yourself to see what you can do, and it's frankly hard to resist events with names like Hot Chocolate, Bad Sweater and Candy Cane Pimp. Apparently someone has spotted the presents I've been buying this year.

There is still plenty of time to sign up, no worries if you can't play till January, and I'm in the mighty snow_flakers team (we're not melters) as you'll need to say where you heard of the comm. So come and play and enjoy the holidays with us.

Click to join!


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