I seem to be churning these out at a slightly less than a hectic pace, but here's another one biting the dust. Not literally, I hope. ;)
Crossing LinesGenre: General
Ratings & Warnings: PG-13
Word Count: 2479
Summary: Merlin thinks he’s really got the idea here, all right - put the annoying servant on the brute of a horse to teach him leaving Arthur’s favourite boots lying forgotten on the wrong side of the door to his rooms is a never-to-be-repeated mistake.
Author's Note: For
ladybracknell, who requested Merlin/Arthur and the prompt chance. I hope this doubles as a belated birthday fic and that you enjoy it. I'm not quite sure where this fits into the TV series timewise, but I was thinking of towards the end. Oh, and you may have to forgive me all the horsey stuff, but it is an essential part of the plot. Honest! Feedback is always appreciated. :)