Nov 07, 2011 11:50
Ah, Draenei. Almost as varied in their responses as humans really, when it comes to Thoran. You've got Chepi, tryin' to steal him for her own, or you've got that lass in the Bastion last night, hurryin' off at the sight of him. Kinza, leastwise, takes a more pragmatic attitude, seems like. I get the impression she's still quite young for her people. I've learned to take it all in stride. Cause he's gonna learn how to deal with folks from me, aye?
He's gonna be watching me as he gets older, and, Light and Ancestors willing, Dyna. I can get in bar brawls with every arse who runs off his mouth like I did for a bit at the start, fire and temper running high. That's my boy. You don't say nothing about my boy, or where I stuck my prick.
But what's that teaching him, aye? Sure, if a man's coming at you, s'one thing. But breaking your fist on some alien's bony head just cause he laughed? Well. Who's got a broken fist now, aye? Nah. Sides, got my own prejudices too, don't I? Get the creeps around deaders, wearing our tabard or not. And hell, I saw greenskins on my own soil as well. I aint some bleedin' heart for our enemies, I was raised to fight with honor, but to fight none the less.
And folk aint ever gonna understand, about Gaezull. I think Dyna does, now, and Tristen was beginning to. Still I can't expect anyone else but those dear to me, to every comprehend how I looked at her, and didn't see any of that. For one, she was new to Azeroth aye, her skin dark. I met her outside of combat. And I didn't look human, either. She was the first brown orc I'd ever seen...I was the first worgen she'd ever seen. But it's more even than that.
It's living with the thought in your head, that in those months of your mind not being your own, you might've killed your whole clan. To leaving your homeland, without hardly a face on that boat I recognized. Gettin' shipped off for others to deal with once the long-ears realized I was a magi. And I faced it all with a straight back and a cocksure grin, cause what the fuck else was I to do?
Then there's a pair of warm arm in Dalaran, croonin' over my fur like it was the most amazin' thing she'd ever seen. Wouldn't have that again 'til Dyna. Wouldn't feel that at home 'til I found Tristen, and Arwain, still alive and still wanting me as family. Til she sent Thoran to me.
...I'm rambling on. Guess the point I'm heading for is nah, I don't expect folk to be okay with it. I did at first, and if they wasn't, was gonna beat 'em 'til they were, cause yanno, that works. Nah. They can call me whatever the hell they want, my actions in this life will speak. And the only reason I'm there, the temper cooled is....cause I want his actions to speak to folks too.
Want him to remember that his Pa didn't let idle words fire up his blood.
...But anyhow! Said his first word last night! Arwain's name...Dyna's gonna be pissed. Speaking of....we got quality time to spend.
- Myk