Apr 11, 2007 10:05
An Ode to a Jeep
The end of an era has come. My 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee (Laredo) has officially been sold to my sister's boyfriend.
Granted, this was not my first automobile - but it's the one that held the most memories. My first car (well, SUV), a 2001 Nissan Pathfinder, met its maker when I fell asleep behind the wheel infamously in 2002. That day still boggles my mind, since I never fall asleep in moving vehicles (planes and trains included). I can even tell you what song was on the radio before I drove off of the highway, down a hill, and through trees ("Big Machine" by the Goo Goo Dolls). But enough of that tragedy (don't worry - I came out unharmed, albeit my vehicle was totaled. Call me lucky).
My Jeep carried me through some of the following memorable locations:
-- 4 years of driving between NJ/NYC and central PA for college
-- 2 road trips driving down and back from NJ/NYC to FL
-- trips to Towson and Baltimore, MD, as well as countless latenight adventures to Washington, DC
Of course, those are very broad time periods I've given. Each contains hundreds of fun times or random stories involving my car. Remember when I got my car stuck in the lawn of Liberty Alley late night and left massive tracks on the grass? Remember piling up people in my car for Ruby Tuesday's or Dunkin' Donuts runs? Remember making a sophomore year Spanish class video that involved a 'Mexican' hijacking my jeep and fleeing from the 'INS?' The stories go on and on...
...but no more. The Jeep is now in the hands of my sister's boyfriend - an individual who enjoys participating in extreme fighting a la UFC. I kid you not.
Sigh. But I digress.
Now, does anyone want my 2006 Mazda 6?
Work and Weekend Summaries
-- Work this week has been a bit more calm than normal but still just as busy. However, the next two weeks will be crazy (oh how I love thee, proverbial 'calm before the storm'). The week of April 16th includes helping coordinate a 401K education day, buying IKEA storage furniture for our new NYC office with my boss (visiting from Raleigh), attending my company quarterly meeting, scheduling painters for the week in our new office, and probably running a recruiting interview day or two. The week of April 23rd I will be in Manhattan all week for our furniture move-in and upfit.
-- Also, they're still actively searching for my NJ replacement. I'm doing my best to keep my patience from becoming too thin.
-- Last weekend saw visits of current SU students and homo elite Rick and Kevin. I met Rick after work on Friday and we hung out for most of the day conversing about randomness while sipping over overpriced Starbucks goodies. Eventually, Blaine ran into us (telling us an oh-so humorous story involving AJ - remember mister radio personality I wrote about in LJ around my birthday?). We all schmoozed back at the apartment until Kevin showed up. We chatted some more until it was time for drinkies. Rick had to venture back to Long Island, and Kevin whisked us away to The Ritz on 46th street to meet his friend, Daniel (pronounced pretentiously as Dahn-yell...I shit you not). We drank while conversing with a fun bartender (with a clothing line in the works, or something). He was cute, but the coatboy was gah-gah gorgeous. Of course, I said nothing and only smiled. Eventually we went to a houseparty, which I left quickly. I headed to One in the Meatpacking District to meet up with Colin and company. I had a so-so time, but the free Grey Goose was always good to have. I made it home via cab on a very, very cold night.
-- Saturday was family Easter day at my dad's in NJ. Everyone came over and too much food was eaten. It was your typical family get together...not much really to say. Sunday involved eating leftovers (of course) and generally vegging around my dad's house.
There's really not much else going on right now. I'm just drudging away with work as usual. I've been invited by an old friend to go to a karaoke birthday party in the city when I return from working in NJ (I've been here in NJ all week). We'll see how that goes, but it promises to be messy I'm sure.
I want to take a trip somewhere. Random thought, I know. But I miss traveling. Who wants me to visit them the most? xx