The Basics:
Name: Asha
Age (you must be over 13): 17
A Bit About You:
What are your likes and dislikes? I like listening to the rain, but not being in it. I like reading more than breathing and long hot showers on cold days. I like painting but I'm not good at it and I like to sing when no-one can hear me....
Favourite colour (and why): It's teal, because it's peacocky. And it suits my skin tone :)
What do you enjoy doing? Reading, cooking, sleeping :)
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time? Hmm, at nearly 23 I expect to have graduated, and maybe be having a job. And luurve.
What are your strengths and weaknesses? I'm very quick, sarcastic and intelligent (although I suck at typing, having just typed 'intellingint'). I'm maybe a little too brusque and I'm over confident to hide shyness, so I can sometimes come across bitchy or surprisingly sensitive if I'm caught off guard.
Which character traits do you love or hate in others? I admire wit, quick thinking, strength of mind and confidence. I cannot stand air-heads or people who rely on others to do everything.
Some odd questions:
What is your favourite book and why? Ohhh, dear. Maybe 1984? But I love Pride and Prejudice, Brave New World, anything Piers Anthony ever writes, ditto Neil Gaiman, Regeneration, Ovid, and I have a soft spot for the Doctor Who books.
What would you make me for dinner? Spaghetti bolognese. It's the only thing that has yet to go wrong out of my cooking repertoire.
Are you an early bird or a night owl? NIGHT TIME IS THE ONLY TIME OF DAY.
What is your favourite animal? I like lions. And swans.
What makes you laugh more, slapstick, irony, or witty commentary? I tend to laugh to myself over irony and sarcasm, but slapstick is amusing in small doses...
Put these in the order you value them in your life: Health, wealth, romance, duty, family, school/work, solitude. School/work, romance, family, solitude, duty, health, wealth.
This or that:
Silliness or sense? SIlliness! But sense when I have to.
Junk food or healthy food? Junk foood! As long as I can have the odd carrot.
Money or freedom? Depends on freedom from what. You do need money.
Leader or follower? Leader. I can't take orders well.
Socks or shoes? Hmm. Socks are cool, but heels are better.
Sewing or cooking? Cooking. I'm not fantastic at sewing in a straight line.
Coffee or books? Books! Books! But also coffee.
Gilmore-related questions:
Who is your favourite character and why? Hmm... Rory. She's so cool. She's smarter than a lot of TV heroines but also sweet and down to earth. But also Lane. And Jess. And Michel.
Which is your favourite season and why? It has to be 1, 3 or 7. 1 for the whole background, 3 for Rory and Jess, and 7 for grown up Rory!
Who would you invite to a Stars Hollow party if you could only have five people? Sookie to make the food, Lane to play the music, Rory to organise, Lorelai for fun, and Jess to get off with in a corner. Sorry, Rory, he's mine.
Would you rather live with Kirk or Babette? Discuss. Hmm.. I think Kirk, because with so many jobs, he must be out of the house a lot. There are the night terrors, and the fact he lives with his mother, but my abiding fear of Babette is going to force me to say Kirk.
Anything else you'd like to add? Nope, but thanks for voting.