The "60's Cave"

Jun 01, 2010 16:17

Vakko posted a poll earlier today about whom among his readership had actually used "old technology" back when it was the "only" technology.

Now I feel almost as old as quasiskunk.........

I do indeed remember using the rotary-dial phone, (back when it was only 7 digits), having one of the first L.E.D. digital watches, (and I still have it), and having to get up to change the channel on the t.v. (as well as only having 5 channels to choose from)

Also, I used to have, and still do have, a 1960 GE clock-radio. It still works, and I still use it. Surprisingly, it brings in stations from farther away than any of my newer A.M. tuners to boot, but it takes about 90 seconds to warm-up when you turn it on! Personally, I love that kind of stuff.

When we went to see Gus Grissom's Liberty Bell 7 at the museum during it's tour, they had a recreation of a suburban living room of 1961 as part of the exhibit. I thought to myself, "Gee, it'd be cool to have one room in my house done up like that." I could use such a room as an "escape", if you will, from the day-to-day drudgery. I'd do it all the way too. Shag carpet, atomic clock, kidney-shaped coffe table with a bake-o-lite ashtray on it, avocado-colored couch and ottoman, the whole bit. My friends would probably be afraid to visit!

Of course, that kind of stuff will have to wait til I actually have a house with an "extra" room............
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