Aug 02, 2004 21:16
SO, wow......i had a VERY interesting day...... around 6:30 p.m., my moms friend Joanne calls and is like, Hey, i have 4 tickets to the Ducks (the LI minor league baseball team) game you wanna take the tickets and go with some friends?? So i was like YEA! and it would give me a chance to see my cousin Justin who is on the team...GO # 4!! began the process of calling everyone to see what they were up to....after several not-at-homes and no-i-cant-gos, I finally asker Kaitlyn A to go with sis, Dani, and Aurora came too......soooooooo the stadium is in Central Islip......and SO began one of the strangest nights of my life.....
First off, we pick up Kait and Rory, who live in the same community, then head out toward the stadium with the directions my parents gave me (as the begged me to be careful and worried their heads off that i was driving so far lol) we're going.....down 347 to rt. 111.....but then here enlies the father failed to tell me that i was to bear left on one part of the road....NOT to mention that one part of the road i was to travel on was BLOCKED OFF!!!! so yea, we end up almost back where my old school was....which was kind of where i was supposed to be anyway, so i wasnt totally, my moms friend Joanne calls me, cuz shes waiting at the stadium with the tickets for us, and tells us where to go....SHE totally messed me up, and i got on Sunrise Highway instead of Southern after i was thoroughly confused, she calls back, and shes like, just get off the parkway, so i pull off and there's a McDonalds, so i pull in there, she and her husband Curt said they were coming to find us and show us how to get there, so while we waited, we got some food.......then, they come, I follow them to the stadium, and we got there at the beginning of the 6th inning......we had left a bit after it started b/c she called my so late, so it wasnt so bad........we saw plenty of game we go in, the seats are literally on TOP on the field....we were third row, third base line, RIGHT to the left of home plate....amazing seats.....I enjoyed the game, while the girls yelled, took pictures, and danced to the music was a good game, altho the ump was making some BAD calls.....but it was fun! so then afterward, we went and talked to my cousin, said goodbye, and then got in the car for the ride home......
So I follow the directions they gave me, turning right out of the parking lot, and im going good for awhile, until....i HIT THE DAMN DETOUR AGAIN!!!!!! now there's an alternate route for 111 north.....and its completely confusing and im like, WHAT is going after a lil while, an urging from my mother to "Just keep going north" and a lot of turning, I asked this lady how to get to 347 from 111 wherever i was....she couldnt speak very good english, so she finally said, ok, i show she drives ALL the way to 347 with us, and then turns around....awwww people are nice! so we set off, and it was smooth sailing from there.....dropped the gals off and then came i sooo im gonna go....and THAT is my long post of my was fun!
Good night!