Hey everyone! I'm
catty_laughs, one of your new mods, and I'm really excited to be a part of this community. Please please please promote this community! It'll be so awesome when we have tons of people participating in the challenges. As of right now, this hall of fame only includes two icon makers... hopefully, next challenge we'll have more. Remember, you don't have to make a huge batch on icons. You can make at least two! And how much time is that going to take out of your busy lives? So, get icon making!
maryangel200 Fantastic cropping and placement of text. I particularly like the font you used. It's very simple, but in a good way. It has this clean, crisp glow to it. I had a difficult time deciding which icon I like the best out of your batch, but I ultimately chose this one mostly because of it's overall appearance. Other icons had something I particularly liked about it, but this icon, I particularly liked... all of it.
awakencordy I've been a fan of your work for a while now, but I particularly enjoyed this batch. I picked this icon because of its fantastic cropping, coloring, and text. It gives off the feeling that Lorelai and Max are the only people in the world. I love the text: font, placement, and "old movie style" quote. It completely sums up Max and Lorelai's relationship. Well done!
That's it? Please participate in the current challenge: Red Light on The Wedding Night.