Nov 16, 2009 16:42
So I have my computer back all fixed *phew* ends up that not only was vista just messing with my computer but my specific computer has a recall up for a hardware issue namely The notebook does not start, The notebook issues a single beep during boot indicating no power, The external monitor functions but there is no image on the notebook LCD panel. Sadly enough these problems were made worse by you guess it VISTA! (le gasp, shock!) I ended up wiping my entire computer (after getting my files off :D)and installing Windows 7. To anyone with Vista or still using XP and is a student you can get Windows 7 for $40 CN or $30 US. Now my computer is running faster, and my sound is mysteriously able to go louder then before O.o (i don't even know)
I'm also looking into getting a job for the Christmas season since I could do with having a little more cash >.<, right now I'm just looking into my school stuff, workload and time. I think I should be able to work it out right now my biggest promise is possibly working up in Orillia with Erin (hellz yeah?)
So now back to doing school work my to do list for this week is 2 essays (both due week of the 30th), 1 response to public spaces and usage of the Gladstone Hotel, Semiotics of Hockey Language for a group project, 1000 word response/analysis in relation to my group project and then my normal mass of readings (approx. 200+ pages)
Luckily I'm on a essay high since the last essay I got back I had the highest mark in my tutorial, lets hope that keeps up.
computer is no longer evil,