Let lovely, smiley Brian Cox

Apr 01, 2010 12:11

Take you on a gorgeous ride across the Wonders of the f****** Solar System.  A delicious spoof , amusingly sweary and just the thing for April Fool's.

Giggle a bit and buck up, my lovelies, just one more day till the weekend, a massively extended Easter! weekend no less with  warm, buttered hot cross buns and simnel cake and unfeasable quantities of chocolate and new! Doctor Who and Jonathan Creek with Paul McGann!!!

Let us don our sightly-too-small laughing trousers and the comfy, stain'ed underpants of manifold-delights, cock a merry snook at the wind and the snow, ring out the bells and sing hosanna for the potential for joy be mighty indeed. ::nods wisely::

In short, yes, I have had something of a trying week but I am drawing a veil and contemplating a weekend of chocolate, resolving to be glad and - where have the location and music boxes gone* and why is it sunny and snowing at the same time?

*They're back! And I just had a go at that tempting little 'detect' facility and it says I'm in London. How amusingly eccentric is LJ? Answer, very.

friday, life, easter 2010, weekend, yorkshire

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