Caution: Elderly person gripeing and ranting.

Mar 18, 2010 20:58

I'm watching Museum of Life on BBC2. Fascinating subject and I was actually hoping for a proper documentary but alas, it's just the usual bollocks with the usual over-excited Blue Peter-type presenters giggling and squeeing all over the place and everything dumbed down and over-produced and explained and...

::pauses to sigh::

Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm just getting terribly old but I ache for an adult documentary that respects my intelligence, where a proper presenter like Ken Clark or Michael Wood or James Burke, someone who has a personality rather than is a 'Personality', can take us on a journey without needing to involve us quite so much in the whole wretched process, presenters who don't act like clowns making balloon animals at a children's party.

And here's David Attenborough! But don't worry, he's only being interviewed. He clearly can't be trusted to present the damn thing; too old, probably, too crusty and tweedy and prone to use Big Words that might frighten some viewers.

::sigh:: I fear I may have lived too long.

rant, bbc

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