It's submission time again.

Sep 01, 2009 15:01

I've been fighting all weekend with synopses of varying lengths (every agent wants something different). I just sent out my 'elevator pitch' (their description, not mine) to Zeno who were accepting submissions but now, are not - my email sent back by return. ::sigh::

I'm just working on my spiel to Ian Drury at Sheil Land - first in line because he accepts email subs (and most do not). He only wants a one paragraph synopsis (of a 150,000 word novel. Piece of piss. O:!!!), two chapters and ' a short summary of why someone would pay their own cash money to read your book'.

I hate this part. Hate it like a massive serving of hate with hate sauce and a side order of loathing.

Cup of tea, I think, then back to the grind. Gotta have this baby out by teatime.

the submission, entanglement

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