So, it's Friday and I really should be in the garden trying to clear the MESS

Jul 04, 2008 10:50

Man, you should see the state of things out there. And the sun be beating down but even so, it's awfully, awfully damp and manky and the gathering clouds threaten imminent Weather - but all forecasts say tomorrow's going to be worse so... No getting out of it that way. ::sigh::

But not even going to think about it til I've had some more coffee.

So, what has the Gilly been doing in her natural environment you may ask, or not, as is your wont. Well, believe it or not I've been writing - two novels, a sitcom and the Academy fic which now has a name! Yes Indeedy; it's called Blue, and it's coming on - at least, I now know more or less where it's going in the next few chapters and I've been tinkering with that-last-bit-which-did-not-work and I've made a start on Jim's navel-gazing. I don't expect to be posting anything till next week (eyes garden sadly) but those of you who read this stuff can expect some more soon. I'm hoping 'posting fic' may soon become a regular event in my life again.

...And trying to sort myself out work-wise because having 5 projects on the go (not including fic) simultaneously isn't working at all. I really need to focus on one, two at most, and go at those till they're done. But which ones? I cry as  I hop from one to another like a nimble hoppy thing that's been at the Lucozade.

...And I've finally (it's only taken three years) decided to complete my Permaculture Diploma - as best I can. I haven’t even been able to fully  register with them yet, though. Their website is a dreadful place. You get the strongest feeling that the whole thing is being run of a bunch of hippies with technofear who never check their bloody emails. In fact, I know it is, because I've met them. I have to chose between two mentors - one in Yorkshire and t'other in Lancs - the Lancyman has an email, Yorkie boy doesn't so that sorted that fairly quickly (what sort of a person, in this day and age, has no email? hanging's too good, I swear...)

Which reminds me; my partner, Mark's taken to responding in comments on the Daily mail news site (no, wait, read on before you judge!)  - always the same thing; 'he (or she) should be hanged'  (hee!). Though he's started to expand his entries. On Paul McCartney  (who's invested many thousands in some spanky eco-friendly car that he's had flown in from Japan)  Mark comments; 'This sickens me. He should be hanged'. And on Baby Spice who is apparently a little on the chunky side (she's swelled to a (UK) size - what? 10, 12? something... ::roll::) and quite happy about that, and not about to go on a diet because 'Hello' thinks she should (she has risen in my estimation); 'the bloater should be hanged (if they can find a rope that will bear the weight).

You wouldn't believe the enormous pleasure this is giving us.

Which also reminds me... One of the things I am seriously having to re-initiate in my life is some regular exercise. I tried to get into my jeans yesterday. It wasn't pretty. Gosh golly, something must be done.

...And finally, returning to LJ after a short break I find myself viciously attacked on a com (not even a fandom com!) for no reason whasoever that I can see. Reminds self never to proffer advice on that com ever again. And that I missed TWO birthdays! So...

HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAYS to FRAYEN and JUSTMEJ. I hope your days sparkled with sugar-coated loveliness. Sorry I wasn't here for you but there it is, I expect you coped.

So there, that's me. The weekend beckons with its promise of olives and wine, the Who finale (squeak!) and more rain. I hope you're all chilled and ready like a lightly-oaked Chardonnay and filled with the Friday-Night spirit of squee my lovelies. May it sparkle for you like Liberace after a good rub with a chamois and a liberal dousing of Windolene.

::blowing the Friday kisses::

Oh, and glancing at the little calendar-widget on my lappy, I see tis a HOLIDAY for my precious American Flist. I hope you're all having a super-shiny time. Eat... whatever strange things you lovely people eat on such occasions. Be happy. Stay drunk till Monday. Whatever floats your mysterious boat. XXX

life, withnell, permaculture, writing, lj

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