(no subject)

Dec 27, 2005 08:41

So, Christmas was great!! Got alcohol from Santa, which is always great, and a really pretty shiny thing from Jim :) The title company actually gave me yesturday off, which wasn't out of the goodness of their hearts (cause if i could have worked, i'm sure they would have made me) but cause my office is in a county building and that was closed.

So Josh Basford, a phi gam alum, has 2 different addresses listed on the 3 alumni lists I have. How do I solve this one? Well, I use my county website navigation skills and stalked him and found out that he just bought a new house. He can run but he cant hide from the beta party chair title examiner!!! HAHAHAHA. Seriously, these county websites are turning out to be a huge help in finding out where these alumni actually live cause I'm in the final stages of getting a final list (which is a hella lot harder than i thought) and I foudn 5 alumni, out of the 1st 25 of 500, who do not live at the addresses we have anymore and I've been able to track them down.

Aight, gotta get back to being beta party chair title examiner girl!!! Sounds like a cheesy superhero name. Maybe another update later about the everyday entertainment of the title industry.
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