Mar 31, 2008 16:20
It is REALLY snowing hard outside. It's those big wet flakes too. It's the kind of snow that's makes your head swim when you look at it, because your eyes don't know where to focus.
In work related news, I'm now getting more hours, and shifts where I'm opening and closing by myself. That's the good news. The bad news is that I got a less than perfect review from a secret shopper last week, and the 2 people I was working with got worse reviews.
After hearing the report I knew exactly who the secret shopper was, and when it occurred. Heres what happened:
Last Saturday I was working with Derek and Adam, the store was relatively empty and we were standing near the front counter chatting. Soon the store filled up with people and I left the counter to walk around the store to see if anyone needed any help. After a minit or two of walking the store, no one seemed to need any assistance and I returned to the conversation with my co-workers. Then a customer approached us and asked about a certain game (Puerto Rico I think) we carry it but it wasn't in stock. I recommended a couple of similar games, and offered to put his name down in our call book for when the game comes in. He declined thanked me for my time and left. That was my secret shopper.
The complaints against me were 2. First, Chatting with co-workers when there are customers in the store. This is valid, that was poor customer service on all our parts. Second was when I was walking the store I didn't "offer assistance" to the customers. Basically I'm supposed to ask everyone "Are you finding everything today?", "Can I help you find anything?" etc.
And I kind of have a problem with that, because I hate when salespeople do that to me. If I need help, I'll ask for it. When I'm at work I try to treat customers how I'd like to be treated if I was in there place. Apparently that's the wrong answer.
In other news, I'm thinking that instead of trying to build shelves in my room, I'm just going to go out and buy some. I mean come on, can you imagine me trying to build my own shelves?
Speaking of shopping, I'm going to Best Buy tomorow to see if they can figure out why my laptop won't burn cds any more.
This is why I bought the extended warranty. And if they give me any problems, I will simply never shop there ever again. Cause that'll teach em.
And now I'm off to enjoy more of this lovely springtime weather.