Sep 29, 2016 18:35
I'm hoping my new approach to the programme will help LJ accept that it's not to delete it. I have chocolates for Friday and very special chocolates for Sunday and something odd for Saturday (and maybe chocolates) and honeycake for Sunday. People don't have to know me to ask for food!
On Friday I'm on four panels.
10am We're not in Canberra anymore, Toto - politics in spec fic
I fear snark. Much snark. This is Canberra and I've read Heinlein. Rik Lagarto is moderating and he doe snark better than me, so this panel will be enlightening and it will be fun.
12pm: How realistic do you like your fantasy?
We have Dr Nicholls moderating this panel, so it could get noisy. And daft. And unpredictable.
3pm: DIY Genre
I'm interested to see how this panel pans out, for I both study genre and challenge it. My latest novel has been called 'urban fantasy' twice now, so The Wizardry of Jewish Women is my first with a clear genre label. I fear I shall annoy people. I'll try to annoy people wittily.
4pm: Rhythm and form in fairytales
I used to study this stuff. That's why I used it the way I did in The Time of the Ghosts. However, it's my fourth panel of the day and I am prone to bad jokes (more prone than usual?) when panels in one day reach this number.
12-1 pm.
What I like to think as "the Satalyte hour". It's divided into three sections. Two books will be launched and two other Satalyte writers will chat with each other about their work. I'm one of the two other writers, along with Phill Berrie. This is when you can ask me about Wizardry! (Actually, you can ask me about WIzardry any time, but this is the time allocated on the programme).
1.30pm: Cyborgs, brain ships and one-legged dragon riders
This is a serious panel, about disabilities. It's got some great people (Craig Cormick, KJ Taylor). And it has me...
3.30pm: The physical cost of writing
Sean Williams has to suffer the same panel as me. What's worse, I've threatened to teach him the exercises I use to keep RSI at bay.
11am-12.30: Workshop
Writing about cultures other than your own.
This is not the usual course on this subject. It's skills-based as well as knowledge-based, for one thing, for knowledge alone is hard for writers to create from. I keep telling people I'm a cultural historian and this is where my background becomes very useful to other writers. While I'll talk about terms such as appropriation and about ethics, there will also be cultural awareness and cultural mapping. It is entirely possible that I'll do my infamous minuet exercise, if I find suitable victims participants.
I leave for my seasonal festivities around 4 pm and will be at Floriade enjoying the New Year on Monday, so that's it from me for Conflux, folks. Except that copies of my new novel WILL BE AVAILABLE. Also copies of other things. buy my books on Monday and it will be as if I'm whispering in your ear and you can say "Go away, Gillian, I'm busy" as if I were there.