Things just get busier and busier. I say this twice a year, without fail. It's when the outside world says "nothing major coming up, let's up the ante" and so I have meetings and more meetings and I have a bit of teaching and I have events and I have deadlines galore. This year I have the added study, plus a couple more deadlines than usual. And of course, this year, I have little extra things like my left leg (which may be my left hip, which I will find out tomorrow).
For those of you keeping track, I'm in my equivalent to the run up to Christmas. Except that instead of putting up decorations, I empty the pantry, bit by bit, then stock it with different food. And I have a seder instead of Christmas dinner or lunch. About the same amount of work, I suspect, but it's so much at a different time of year that nothing around me makes it easier. This year, in fact, has conspired to make it impossible for me to go to Melbourne for Passover (because my mother's 80th birthday is a week and a bit before and I can't get there twice in a month), so I need to plan my own seder again. Which I have not really begun thinking about and I ought to. (By not-really-begun, I have the haggadah at the ready, and the afikoman prize, and everything else is just not done). It's days and days and days and days and days away, I tell you! And the WHM big event is first, and so's my Mum's birthday, and so's all my deadlines, and, yes, it is indeed one of the tow times of year.
I haven't done invitations for Canberra family for my seder yet, so if anyone has a vast desire to be Canberra family, just this once, I do take hints. Also bribes. By 'bribes' I mean that Canberra family are expected to participate fully: eating, drinking, bringing food, and so on. Only dispersing gifts is optional. By 'participate fully' I do not mean do something that is against your own religion, but I might mean doing things that go against commonsense or dignity. This would be more so if it were Purim or Chanukah, but there are some silly moments during Pesach, too. (If your LJ name is
yasminke, then the offer comes with accommodation.)
And that was my break. I want to finish just one more task before dinner. I don't care which, but one of the big ones.