Apr 09, 2017 21:15
Like quite a few of my British and European friends, I am less bothered than some folks about the new LJ TOS. I've been here well over a decade and I've always been subject to the laws, often draconian, of a foreign country, the servers have always been located in a foreign country, and other internet platforms I use also make outrageous demands on me. Indeed, one might argue I'm safer now, with the power in Russia, than I used to be when it was in the US - which country would the Evil Tory BastardsTM be more likely to extradite me to?
That said, LJ is clearly aligning itself with TPTB in Russia, and I'm not keen on that. I really don't like the thought that my content will have adverts with it for anyone reading who is not a paid member. I will not close my LJ down, but I have decided to stop giving them money, and have cancelled my automatic renewal, including (sob) the extra icons. (DW charges an unbelievable amount for extra icos too.) I will probably start giving DW money again, because their minimum is very ... minimal. This post originates here on LJ, but I plan to make more on DW.
I seriously doubt I am the target of what's been happening, but the real high visitor-volume blogs are those which, on the whole, tend to support values I insist on holding to, despite the lunacy of May/Trump/Putin and the rest. No, I don't see a whole lot of space between any of them, frankly.
My name on DW is the same as here. If you haven't friended (subscribed, whatever) me there, please feel free to do so. If your name's different, let me know who you are, please. It's bad enough losing so many friends who have drifted away to FB, tumblr, twitter et al, without losing more than I need this way too.