Tearing my hair out

Feb 12, 2017 23:10

I have a new laptop, which is very cool. I don't know if that is why LJ is messing me about, but I have just spent well over an hour trying to persuade it to accept tonight's su_herald post. The reason? Apparently any post with "h t tp : //" in it (without the spaces, obvs) is banned because it is associated with spam.

Client error: Sorry, there is a ( Read more... )

wtf now?, lj fouls up again

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Comments 11

gillo February 12 2017, 23:30:34 UTC
gillo February 12 2017, 23:30:56 UTC
So that posted in the comments.


rbfvid February 13 2017, 00:06:57 UTC
A lot of author links in your post are messed up (http://%20bradduke.tumblr.com/, http://su-herald.dreamwidth.org/yetanotherbuffyblog.tumblr.com and many others), that's most likely the source of spam alert.


gillo February 13 2017, 00:23:33 UTC
Why did it post fine on DW and Tumblr then?

I give up. I really have to go to bed - very long drive in the morning. Thanks for trying.


rbfvid February 13 2017, 09:28:07 UTC
Because LJ, DW and Tumblr react on broken links differently.
DW and Tumblr are "ok, whatever, not our problem" and accept the post. While LJ is "Why does anyone need two domains in one link? That smells fishy. SPAAAAM ALERT!!!"
Just correct broken author links (all but the first three are broken) and see what it does.


snogged February 13 2017, 13:08:31 UTC
That sounds very frustrating.


cmcmck February 13 2017, 13:37:54 UTC


curiouswombat February 13 2017, 20:44:10 UTC
Hurrah for new laptop. But when it comes to posting links, I think it is more you/new tech than LJ - I was happily posting links on my journal as usual yesterday evening with no problem.


gillo February 14 2017, 01:21:56 UTC
I fear you may be right. Yesterday was not a good day for me, and four hours fighting this thing put the cap on it.



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