Fic: At the Fair

Aug 19, 2015 23:47

I filled a prompt over at sb_fag_ends, the first I've done in far too long. Here it is:

Title: At the Fair
Rating PG-15
Prompt: Doughnut stand dilemma
Length:587 words

At the Fair )

season 6, my fic, sb_fag_ends

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Comments 12

velvetwhip August 20 2015, 00:00:01 UTC
Hee! They're so cute when they snipe at each other.



gillo August 21 2015, 00:50:26 UTC
They are cute pretty much whatever they do together.


Thanks for reading and commenting.


curiouswombat August 20 2015, 08:45:14 UTC
So that's what the red stuff in the middle is!


gillo August 21 2015, 00:51:49 UTC
It makes a certain sort of sense, from his POV anyway. (I believe they used a sugary syrup not unlike doughnut filling for the blood when he had to drink it!)

Thanks for reading.


evelyn_b August 20 2015, 17:12:49 UTC
This made me try to find out when fried butter first appeared on the state fair scene (Texas State Fair, 2009, apparently, though the concept is not remarkably innovative in itself).

I haven't met Spike yet (I'm still very early in my Buffy-watching endeavors) so I'm sure some of this was lost on me, but I enjoyed it anyway. Do vampires really have a leg to stand on in calling human food disgusting? (not really)


gillo August 21 2015, 00:54:17 UTC
I came across an article about it the other day and it horrified me so much I felt I had to use it! So, what's a little anachronism between friends?

You meet Spike early in Season 2. He will change a very great deal during the course of the show. He is my favourite character of all time.

Thanks for reading, especially as you don't yet know the context.


torrilin August 21 2015, 04:03:06 UTC
Since Spike eats human food, presumably he knows what he thinks is disgusting.


gillo August 22 2015, 23:35:53 UTC
Anything he doesn't like counts as disgusting. He's more of a savoury than a sweets kind of guy, I think.


enigmaticblues August 21 2015, 03:56:12 UTC
Hee! I really enjoy fics where Spike knows he's riling Buffy up and enjoys it. This is a prime example.


gillo August 22 2015, 23:37:02 UTC
Thanks. In S6 he generally knew that the more riled she was the likelier sex (or a beating) would be. And beating him up is like getting to third base for him...


rbfvid August 21 2015, 14:53:19 UTC
Oh, Spike at his finest... well, season 6 finest =) You captured him perfectly.


gillo August 22 2015, 23:37:47 UTC
Thank you - I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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