Wow. Just wow.

Apr 14, 2015 01:24

A heads-up via elmey about an outfit calling themselves, which has been busily scraping material from AO3 (possibly elsewhere?) and offering it on their site. They have two of my fics, which means they are likely to have a lot more by better-known writers, and probably in every fandom.

There's a detailed page about it on the AO3 tumblr. I strongly suggest you go and look. They have two by brutti-ma-buoni, for example, and two by herself_nyc, which suggests to me that they may be lifting a couple from each writer and waiting to see what happens. OTOH, they have scads by enigmaticblue. They may come to regret pissing off a lawyer with serious legal smarts.

I feel seriously pissed off about this, and will be following the instructions on the AO3 tumblr to make a complaint in the morning. This is seriously unpleasant.

Can I suggest signal-boosting is in order?

ETA: It would seem a lot of material has been removed from the site - I imagine we have the good folks of AO3 to thank for that, plus possibly the big guns of some established commercial writers and publishers.


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