Fic: Bloody Awful Learning Process

Nov 05, 2014 16:10

I took four linked fics from the sb_fag_ends Halloween challenge and revised them, extending them a little and tying them together to make something that worked as a single piece.

Be warned, though: this means three Bloody Awful poems within a relatively short space.

Rating: PG13 because of Spike's swearing.
Length: 1,322 words.

Bloody Awful Learning Process )

spike, poetry, my fic, sb_fag_ends

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Comments 15

velvetwhip November 5 2014, 18:25:48 UTC
Loved seeing these again. They are really delightful. Poor Spike. His poetry...



gillo November 6 2014, 01:07:13 UTC
Thank you.

His taste and talent clearly didn't change a great deal in over 120 years, judging by the poetry slam...


enigmaticblues November 5 2014, 18:47:21 UTC
LOL! Oh, poor Spike. I've definitely read (and written!) worse poems. Although maybe not by much...


gillo November 6 2014, 01:08:38 UTC
Poor boy. Judging by the poetry slam his writing didn't improve a great deal over the decades. (He's right about Swinburne, though.) I love writing his dreadful verse!

Thanks for reading.


rbfvid November 6 2014, 10:10:47 UTC
Oh, thanks for putting it together.
You did such a great job with the poems! And, oh god, I can relate to Spike in this so much... =)


gillo November 7 2014, 00:48:13 UTC
I set myself a rule of never revising the poems, to keep that "just-perpetrated" bloom on them! ;-)

Thanks for reading them again.


rahirah November 6 2014, 15:04:58 UTC
Poor Spike. The muse is a harsh mistress!


gillo November 7 2014, 00:49:10 UTC
She is indeed. Keeps him mooning about over love. (See what I did there? *g*)

Thanks for reading.


feel_the_joy November 6 2014, 17:32:31 UTC
Very nice, really sounds like Spike's poetry :)


gillo November 7 2014, 00:49:50 UTC
It takes concentration to write poetry that shoddy!

Thanks for reading.


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