
Nov 02, 2014 23:55

That post about William got a lot more attention than I expected. With that and all my sb_fag_ends posts, I have responded to over a hundred comments today! And they claim LJ is moribund and our fandom dying. I hope I have now responded to everyone, though I know there are still a few fics I need to leave comments on still.

The William stuff was particularly interesting, with some intriguing ideas about explaining away the (Doylist) issues with Marsters's pronunciation by arguing a father with American links. Also, debate about where in the UK William and his mother lived. I am digesting this and will probably post more, but not tonight because I hate linking to myself on the SU Herald, and Sunday is my night to post.

The sb_fag_ends Halloween challenged ended with 189 fics, of which a mere 31 were by me. I came fourth, narrowly beaten by foxstarreh, who had 73 points to my 71. drizzlydaze on 89 and spuffy_luvr on 90 wiped the floor with us both, however. It was enormous fun and there are some fabulous fics - quinara did a brilliant summary post, breaking them all down into categories.

Today we've been really rather idle - tomorrow has to involve intensive sewing.

personal stuff, spike, sb_fag_ends

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