Stolen from
quinara, footage of Akram Khan learning that the NBC cut out his entire section from their broadcast of the Opening Ceremony on Friday.
Click to view
It's so ungracious, insensitive and crude of NBC to do that. Insulting to the artists and volunteers who performed, to the creative minds behind it and to the American people in presuming it would not appeal to them. Is our loss on 7/7 so trivial, then? Was that beautiful rendition of Abide With Me too downbeat?
I feel cross and sad.
Interesting reactions to the Opening, quoted in our paper, suggest that most reactions across the world were highly positive - Germany, Italy, France, Australia "got it", but US papers seemed a bit confused. All Anglophone culture is not the same. Who knew?
quinara has made the missing section available for those who would like to see what was not considered worth showing to Americans.