Mythology month at still_grrr - a drabble

Mar 17, 2011 23:49

Norse mythology - Baldur was the good god killed by the trickster, Loki. Spike is both.

Rating G


Weep, O world, for Baldur, the beautiful, beloved of gods and men. None thought to hurt him, for he ruled light, joy, purity and reconciliation.

Spike laughs in the pain and lunacy.

Light did hurt him at the last, burning from inside out.

The heat of joy and the heat of the pain fused in the fierce glory of his destiny.

Reconciliation? Love was offered and rejected - but those words made all the difference.

Purity? Not so much. He was Loki the Trickster too, killer and victim both.

When a new world arises from the ashes, Baldur will be reborn.

drabble, still_grrr, not at ao3 yet, my fic

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