I hate to give this person the bandwidth, but a sad, sorry person with an empty life has devoted an entire *PAID* LJ account to our group. Sharing the honor with fanfic_hate, this ljuser has dedicated many hours he/she'll never get back to screen capping momad and fanfic_hate posts and reposting them in this sad lj.
I will not post a link to this LJ as I firmly believe in the "DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS" approach*
I have a suspect and will be banning that person in the next 5 minutes. If I am wrong, the accused is free to furnish proof of innocence with some sort of plausible explanation why he/she joined MoMAD at the exact moment posts were being taken down from public view because of reports of just this sort of activity, yet never bothered to introduce her/himself to the group or post a single post.
I personally don't care if (I didn't waste my time reading the whole sorry posting) my own comments are there, I stand by whatever I write in MoMAD--but as Professor Smuttypants said in her earlier post on the subject, there is some expectation of privacy when posting in a group like this.
*NOTICE: Anyone with a current LJ account would do well to check your friends list. This troll has friended everything and everyone. I plan to ban the bastard and suggest you all do the same.