I'll just come right out and say it right here

Aug 15, 2005 21:00

Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to join the community wizard_trauma let me know now. I'd rather not see any mention of this on my f'list, I'll quietly defriend and let you get on with the traumatizing. This sorry excuse for a Munchaussen by Proxy support group is a mecca for the nuttiest of the fandom's nutcases--and that's saying something. They are ( Read more... )

fandom, wizard trauma

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Comments 16

sistermagpie August 16 2005, 03:01:41 UTC
OMG, it's like the most extended joke I've ever seen. Is it supposed to be as blackly hilarious as it is? I don't even know where to begin...I am compelled to discuss it. It's like being subjected to a marathon of "A Very Special Episodes" of Harry Potter, made all the more funny by the fact that in order to get the characters into these situations they all have to stop being wizards immediately. Because most of these things are total non-issues, or they all involve Muggle diseases and medicine.

I especially like the ones that would make canon storylines impossible, because life/death struggles and passions are replaced by movie-of-the week suburban angst. Though it's always funny to see subjects like "depression" and "erectile dysfunction" right next to "lycanthropy"--because I'm going to guess the lycanthropy is the wizarding kind and not the mental disorder.

Of course I had to see who got signed up for the premature ejactulation fic. Sorry Draco, your troubles aren't over yet, it seems.


subrosax August 16 2005, 04:03:38 UTC
Half of these topics seemed to have been lifted from an episode of Special Victims Unit, while the others are just, well, batshit. I personally enjoyed the erectile dysfunction challenge, but then, it's hard to beat Hannah Abbot going for gender reassignment surgery for sheer wackiness. This place is a badfic FARM.


gillieweed August 16 2005, 12:25:02 UTC
Oh yeah, this'll keep badfic comms like going for ages. And momad has it made.


gillieweed August 16 2005, 12:23:13 UTC
Unfortunately, they're serious, hence the plain talk. Those of us "chatting" last night thought it looked like a framework for a WW version of Lifetime Television for Witches.
"Very Special Episode" indeed! What I want to know--or maybe not--is just how one comes up with the idea that subjects such as erectile dysfunction are things that really need to be explored in terms of their impact on the Potterverse.


jenocclumency August 16 2005, 10:58:01 UTC
What an unusual community. And just when I thought I'd seen it all.


gillieweed August 16 2005, 12:26:52 UTC
LOL! "Unusual" reminds me of that Seinfeld episode with the ugly baby--when they were all trying to figure out what to say about it that wouldn't insult the parents.
"Breathtaking" was what they finally decided upon. "Oh, he's breathtaking!"


mehitobel_ny August 16 2005, 14:06:12 UTC
I have bad memories of a woman proudly showing off her ugly toddler in a stroller, and the first thing that popped out of my mouth was "Oh, what adorable little shoes!" Still makes me wanna bang my head against the wall. *sigh*

I can't think of anything I'd less like to do than explore this community and their challenge. I'm a little confused by it too. What is the point? Surely, no one could find these subjects amusing? Or vaguely interesting? Yeah, it's got "very special episode" written all over it.


jollityfarm August 16 2005, 15:54:37 UTC
Someone else on my flist mentioned it, but only in the context of "Lot of new communities popping up, eh what?" I don't think I'd join something like that, because I know about 98% of the flist would be too embarassed to write any fic of their own and had only, in fact, joined out of morbid curiosity about what other people would write. Then someone would offer something about two hundred words long, recieve two replies and retire in embarassment. Happens all the time.

If I wanted to read squicky business, I'd re-friend hpsquick100 because at least that was meant to wind people up.

Character A has a gender identity disorder and opts to undergo sexual reassignment treatment. How does this affect his/her life?Of course, there are already stories with this essential premise floating about on the internet, but they're usually an excuse to make Harry/Draco/whoever into a pretty, pretty girl with lovely long hair. I'm not sure if this is better or worse than the grisly details doubtless expected by this community. How very earnest of them, I'm sure ( ... )


Er... jollityfarm August 16 2005, 16:13:28 UTC
Now that I've gone to look at the community, I see that it's far more popular than I'd imagined (I should join, that'd kill it off). Also, not all the story ideas are that bad:

What kind of lives do squibs lead? Are they delegated to the dreg jobs of the wizarding world or do they get ostracized to the muggle world. How do they deal with this? How do their families deal with this?

I mean to say, this one could make quite an interesting story. There's no need to insert anything unpleasant about underpants bits or illnesses and Filch-fans (or Figg-fans, in the case of the person who chose it) can use this as a prompt to get on with some fic. However, all the ideas to do with erectile dysfunction or terminal brain conditions seemed as though they'd make rather a dreary story. I like happiness in my fiction, to be honest :/


Re: Er... gillieweed August 16 2005, 18:01:37 UTC
What kind of lives do squibs lead? Are they delegated to the dreg jobs of the wizarding world or do they get ostracized to the muggle world. How do they deal with this? How do their families deal with this?

I was actually wondering how this one made the cut. It sounds so--well--normal.


scribbling_elf August 17 2005, 03:16:17 UTC
"Munchaussen by Proxy"...that was quite amusing, lol.

Erm, I couldn't help but wonder if you had defriended me because of this comm. I joined it when it first started up, but I'm not a member anymore and don't think I'll be participating. I think the people starting the comm probably had good intentions, but then, you know what they say about the road to hell...(or badfic).

If you defriended me for another reason or what have you, no skin off my teeth, but I was curious.


gillieweed August 17 2005, 12:20:19 UTC
*refriends immediately!*

Nothing personal, I promise. I've been traumatized by things on friend's f'lists too many times and this place is...well...you know.


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