Why, why, why, why, WHY?!?!??

Feb 02, 2008 15:11

I GOT INTO A CAR ACCIDENT TODAY! Today, when the weather is clear and the roads were in excellent condition. Today, after driving to and from work for the past two days when everything was treacherous and I was chanting to myself the whole time "no accidents, no accidents..." Today. Today! ARGH! And it was my fault! I was leisurely driving down a row of parked cars by my bank and this woman was backing out of a parking space and she didn't see me and I didn't see her until she just appeared in-front of me and I jammed on the brakes but it was too little too late and I hit her. And it's just like, fuck. FUCK! Like I don't have enough to deal with right now and how much is this going to cost and what an inconvenience! The woman was really nice and we were both insured (by the same company, no less) but I felt shitty afterward because you always feel shitty after doing something shitty and ruining someone else's day. She told me that she had just gotten her car back from the body shop after getting a new bumper. Well, lady, thanks to me you're getting another one.

bad moods, being a broke ass, life fucking sucks, car trouble, bitching, stress overload

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