I am in so much trouble.

Mar 01, 2007 12:11

I am so utterly exhausted and it's all because I'm an idiot. I went to yoga yesterday and that proved to be a bad move on my part. I started doing yoga a little over two years ago kind of as a fluke. My Aunt's best friend since she was five, Ellen, has a daughter who was just getting started teaching it so Ellen called my Aunt, who called my Mom and me and got us to commit along with a few cousins and Ellen' sister-in-law. Ellen and her second husband own their own photography/advertising business and we practice in the photography studio in their office. It was totally casual and totally convenient. After a year of doing yoga with Amy, right when we were getting modestly good, Amy moves to Seattle. So I put an ad on craigslist and found two new yoga teachers. They worked out great for a year until we lost Monday teacher Karen to scheduling conflicts and Wednesday teacher Amanda decided to get married and move to Duluth. To prevent muscle atrophy while I scour craigslist for a new teacher, I decided to try going to a real-life yoga studio out in the 'burbs that Monday teacher Karen recommended. Holy hell. First of all, not only was it totally weird doing yoga in a room full of strangers but the teachers they have at this place are EVIL! Either that or I just lucked out and found laid-back teachers that coddled us in the same manner you would a small child. The class I took Monday didn't seem too bad but on Tuesday the backs of my arms, shoulders, and my entire back was pretty darn sore. The class I took yesterday was a different story. It was PACKED full and there were dudes in the class (another first) and one of 'em, a middle aged white guy, decided to plop himself down right next to me. To make matters (mildly) worse, the three petite women on my left all seemed to have identically perfect pedicures that made me ashamed of my feet which are the spitting image of my father's feet (though smaller, thankfully). Fortunately I didn't have time to fret too much about my unkempt man-feet because, right after the warm-up, it was all I could do just to keep up... but then the dude next to me starts making all these weirdo grunting noises and was huffing and puffing like he was auditioning for a porno and half way through class I was almost tempted to turn to him and say "dude, knock it off." It would have turned out to be a hypocritical move on my part because by the time the teacher instructed us to get into wheel pose for the THIRD TIME IN A ROW I was laughing crazily under my breath in the manner someone who's reached their mental breaking point. In fact, I think porno guy heard it and gave me a look like I was a big weirdo. Well takes one to know one, porno guy. When I was finally set free I went home and microwaved a Lean Cuisine and ate it while standing at the kitchen counter and thought about how I was a total SWF cliche right then.

This week my dog has been pretty sick. He's been in the animal hospital since Tuesday morning with a fever of undeterminable causes, getting various tests done. He got to come home last night because his fever was so high (104 C, the normal dog temp is between 101 and 102.5) the vet was worried he might have a seizure and no one would be around after the office closed to keep an eye on him. He was pretty mellow the whole night, mostly slept, but at 2:30 in the morning he decided he needed to go out, but then re-thought that plan and decided he had to barf first and then go out. At least he didn't throw up on the carpet this time. When I finally crawled back into bed I had trouble getting settled and relaxing enough to fall asleep. Usually on yoga days I'm out like a light the minute my head hits the pillow so I knew that morning was going to come too soon and that I'd be dragging my feet all day. Not good. Oh, and did I mention that tonight is the Rise Against/My Chemical Romance show in Chicago? Yeah. Shit.

weirdness, yoga, exhaustion, sickness, scout

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