Is it weird that my introduction to the series Due South was watching the series finale?
The music is catchy as a motherfucker, but what really gets me is RayK and Fraser. Wow. How did this show slip past me for so long?
I just got the "third" season on dvd and I told myself I'd just watch one episode before hitting the hay... Big mistake. I am gonna be so tired tomorrow.
Totally worth it though.
This is the 2nd fandom I've picked up this week. I caught a few episodes of CSI and thought I'd read a few Greg/Nick stories...three hours later I'm glued to the computer screen. It's a wonder I have a life at all (do NOT make a crack,
jezdenly. cause I do have a life).
I tried out Harry Potter, but no. It'd probably help if I tried to catch one of the movies before trying again ;)
ETA: RayK really does like to put M&Ms in his coffee? I thought that was fanlore? And damn does he look good in a wife beater. Oh! Oh! And I loved how in the first episode of season three, RayK tried to get a date with any girl at the station, then when Fraser asked him out he got all flustered/excited and ran for the car. *melts into pile of goo*