Nov 09, 2010 16:22
So, because I'm bored, I'm going to post random stuff. It will be in dot-point form so that I can avoid the tediousness that is coherency.
1) I'm convinced that by the time this week's episode of Glee airs, at least half the fan base will ship Blaine and Kurt. They will (hopefully) be adorable together and (hopefully) will result in Kurt smiling more than once per season. However, I really hope that they become friends first and then get together, not just rush straight into romance.
2) I hate exams. Just saying. They were invented to spread misery unto humanity.
3) There is a surprising similarity between internet forums/communities and the really old desks at the uni library. Both have really random, anonymous conversations between strangers happening over a long period of time. The lurkers of the uni library are the people who READ all the graffiti and do ont contribute.
4) I wish TV shows would stop hating on logic. I have heard the phrase "trust you heart" WAY too many times. Whenever a character does what is logical, they are shunned for being cold and heartless. When they do something incredibly stupid because it feels right, they are applauded. It is really annoying.
5) I am getting ridiculously obsessed with glee. No, really, it's scary how obsessed I'm getting.
6) I wish people would stop taking their wealth for granted. If you are reading this, you are much better off than a majority of the earth's population.
Okay... I'm done ranting about totally random and weird things.
Please comment!