Who: Hayner & Roxas
Were: Their little house
When: Afternoon-ish
Rating: PG?
Warnings: Some major awkwardness. Totally.
Roxas walked with his hands in his pockets and his head tilted down, eyes watching his feet as he walked slowly back towards the lower class area. He sighed, shaking his head to himself. Today was turning out to be a really sucky day. He'd lost his job, as he'd suspected, probably got Kairi in trouble, and now he had to try and kep the fact that he was unemployed a secret from Hayner.
Today really was a drag. Since Roxas ran off and went to work and Irvine was guarding the jail, there was nothing for him to do. He didn't even try stealing any food (getting locked up twice in a week would do him no good) so his stomach was growling furiously at him. He'd have to eat later.
What time was it, anyway? The sun was still relatively high, so he wasn't sure if Roxas was going to come home yet. He still felt bad. Hopefully Roxas explained that it was all his fault and all was well. He didn't know what he would do otherwise...
Worrying. It was really weird, because Hayner found himself worrying about Roxas all the time.
He let out a sigh. Maybe that... wasn't a good thing to think about.
Home sounded good right about now. Hayner was probably out stealing, or hanging around The Usual Spot, so he'd have a good few hours to come up with a 'day of work' to tell to Hayner when he saw him. Shouldn't be that hard, he thought.
Eyeing the house up ahead, Roxas let out a quiet sigh and pushed his fingers through his hair, rubbing the back of his neck. He'd have to start looking for a new job, too...
Hayner was on his feet before too long. He couldn't stand staying in one spot for too long. It was obviously still light enough out, so he figured he'd go out. Maybe get some good or go hang around at The Usual Spot or something.
Jogging a bit, he made his way over to the front door of the house, opened it, and--
"Huh?" He peeked out. Roxas? It looked like-- no, it was Roxas that was walking up.That was weird. He opened the door fully and put a hand on his hip. He spoke loud enough for the other to hear and cocked his head to the side.
"What's up, man?"
Snapping his head up, Roxas paused and blinked, staring at Hayner for a few silent moments before he mentally kicked himself. "Uh...Hey!"
Well...This was already turning into a disaster. Now he'd have to think on his feet, and he wasn't so good at that...Why am I not at work? Oh, right, see, what had happened was tis big..um...pastry....accident...and.
Shaking his head slightly, Roxas blinked again and then cleared his throat, continuing up the path to the house, trying to keep his cool. He plastered on a half smile. "Nothing just..Nothing, yeah. What about you?"
"I was just leaving..." Hayner trailed off when he tried to put two and two together. Roxas was acting a little funny. Maybe it was still the getting-out-of-jail feeling. He knew he felt it before. Kind of happy you're out, but kind of down at the same time?
If that was what it was Roxas was feeling, Hayner understood completely.
"But, you know, since you're here, I guess I'll stay," he said almost playfully, moving out of the way to let Roxas inside.
Roxas pushed passed Hayner with a slight, awkward laugh, a million different things running through his head, the most prominent saying something like DONT LET HAYNER KNOW YOU WERE FIRED. Most of them were saying that, actually, only phrased in many different ways.
Pursing his lips a little, Roxas turned and reached over his shoulder, grabbing a handful of the back of his hoodie and pulling it over his head. He tossed it aside onto the back of an old, rickety looking chair in the "living room", and pull his shirt down, straightening it out a little as he stalled for thinking time. "Uh, you don't have to stay if you were..you know..Going to go somewhere..."
Hayner blinked and mindlessly followed Roxas inside, just barely closing the door behind him. So, this was getting to be a little awkward, and he'd only seen Roxas for a few seconds.
"Nah, it's... cool," he replied, scratching his head.
Roxas was acting kind of weird. He tried to remember a time when they had been awkward around eachother, and he couldn't. Oh no-- it wasn't--
Not because of what he did in the cell, was it?!
Hayner took in a deep breath. He hoped not. He desperately hoped not.
"... Hey, what's up?" he asked, which was more of a 'what's wrong' type of 'what's up.' If Roxas didn't want to see him, he wanted to know.
Roxas rubbed the back of his neck and straddle the aforementioned chair backwards, crossing his arms over the back and resting his chin on them. His face was blank, but his mind was racing. Quick, come up with something reasonable! his shouted mentally.
Roxas knew Hayner. He knew the moment his friend found out he'd lost his job, that he'd blame himself, and Roxas knew that it wasn't Hayner's fault. It had been his choice to try and break his friend out and it was also his fault that he'd been caught, not Hayner's. Plus, maybe if he found another job in the next few days, Hayner wouldn't even have to know about him being fired from his other one.
Swallowing, Roxas tried to come up with something that actually made sense. "...Bad day at..work."
Hayner stood still for the time being. Bad day at work? For some reason (maybe it was supernatural instinct or something) he didn't believe Roxas. Roxas looked miserable, not just a 'I had a bad day at work' kind of upset. That was the equivalant of a 'someone ran into me at the market' kind of upset, and this was obviously worse than that.
Almost hesitantly, Hayner approached Roxas and ruffled his hair. He leaned over awkwardly and tried to look Roxas in the eye. This was one way to test out his theory, wasn't it?
"Is it so bad that you can't even tell me, or something?"
Roxas ducked his head a little and tried to fix his hair, squinting up at Hayner with a bit of a smile. It was kind of nice to know that Hayner cared about what had him upset..but at the same time, he wished he didn't care, because it would make things so much easier. But that was Hayner...
"People are just...Unappreciative, I guess. I had to walk deliveries again today and..Um..I was refused full payments from four different customers..So I had to pay for what they didn't and..I..Someone tried to pickpocket me, but I caught them, and I'm hungry and..Tired, and...I judt don't want to deal with people...Well, aisde from you," he added after a moment.
Hayner listened to Roxas tell him about his day, but something was... off.
"Dude, are you lying?" He'd known Roxas enough to at least be able to tell that. It wasn't often that Roxas lied to him, either, so this didn't make any sense. He frowned. What...?
"You don't gotta lie to me, you know," he blurted out, backing off a bit. He knew Roxas didn't like him being so close.
Roxas blinked and then shook his head, swallowing and trying not to panic. "What? N-No! I..." He paused, biting the inside of his lower lip and downcasting his eyes for a long while.
Roxas hated lying to Hayner. Hayner was his best friend, the only person he trusted fully, the one guy he shared and split everything with... And here he was, lying right to his face about something so...stupid.. But he knew that Hayner would feel responsible, and that bothered him.
Sighing heavily, the blonde scrubbed his hands over his face, eyes still glued to the wooden floor boards. "Yes...I was fired..." he mumbled into his hands, and then looked up, frowning a little.
Hayner felt his heart sink a little. Fired? Fired as in, now Roxas was unemployed? As in... without a job? Because of...
And, of course, Hayner blamed himself completely. If he hadn't gotten thrown into jail in the first place this never would have happened. He knew that it wasn't his fault that time, but he could have done long-term things to prevent it. If maybe he was working and was responsible, there would have been no reason for him to get arrested.
And now, because of his laziness and procrastination, he'd gotten Roxas into trouble.
"Oh..." He didn't know what else to say at first. "That, uh... sucks... Are you ticked at me? I get it if you are because it really is--"
He started to babble then, not knowing how he could make this situation better.
"...my... fault... Sorry, man..."
Roxas dropped his hands from his face and crossed his arms over the back of the chair again, resting his chin on them once more. He tilted his head a little and furrowed his brows at Hayner. "I knew you were going to blame yourself..."
Sitting up a little, Roxas picked at a bit of flaking paint on the chair, eyes lowered. "Look, it's not your fault. I decided to come and try and get you out -- you didn't ask me to. I'm not ticked...It's no big deal, I'll just get another job somewhere else..."
Only it wasn't that easy. Getting that job had been a real challenge.. No telling what the others would be like.
This was getting to be a little awkward. Hayner wasn't sure what was appropriate to do in a situation like this. Comfort Roxas? He wanted to. Some part of his body was practically pulling him closer, but Roxas always started acting weird when he got too close. And besides, it was a big deal. Losing a job wasn't a big deal, but for people like him and Roxas, it really was. He remembered when he couldn't work at Irvine's farm anymore, and how devastating it was.
Roxas was probably feeling ten times worse.
"Eh..." He could hardly form words at this point. He tugged on Roxas's shirt sleeve in attempt to get him to stand up. He looked more at Roxas's hair than his face. This was not good.
Roxas exhaled slowly and glanced up with a blink as he felt Hayner tug on his sleeve. He furrowed his brows slightly and stared up at the blond for a moment and then shuffled backwards out of the chair and getting to his feet, a bit confused. "...What?"
"Nothing, just..."
Something weird was going on inside of Hayner's mind. He had this incredible urge to do... something, but he had no idea what it was. It was an overwhelming feeling. He knew it wasn't guilt, though he knew it was a large part of it.
"Just..." He faced Roxas fully, and then hesitantly put his hands on the other blonde's shoulders. He squeezed them gently and looked to the side. What was wrong with him this time? "Yeah, man..."
He swallowed. "I've been... thinking."
Roxas shifted a little, glancing sideways with a swallow. He twisted the toe of his shoe against the floorboards, tensing slightly at the unexpected groan the action caused as the wood warped a bit. For a moment, the blonde wanted to sit back down, a little unsettled by the sudden..twisting or...whatever it was - he couldn't quite describe it- in his stomach.
Drawing his mind away from the unusual feeling, Roxas blinked at Hayner. "About...what?"
"About, um..." Oh shit, what was he even saying now? He had nothing to say. Well, no, that wasn't true. He had too much to say, but he didn't know how to put it, and it would probably just be stupid anyway if it did come out. It would be disasterous. And stupid. And-- He didn't know what to say. What was he going to say?
He was freaking out now, more than he could ever remember before. He was torn between apologizing like mad and... whatever else the weird feeling was.
"Maybe getting a... job." He nodded, then tried to give a weary grin. And he meant it too. "I think I need to start being responsible. And like, you don't even have to work anymore, I mean it. Since you own this house and all, man, I can just work, and it can be okay--"
Why was he still rambling? That wasn't even what he wanted to say.
"And... something else."
Roxas was shaking his head the moment the words came out of Hayner's mouth. "No - Hayner -," he waved his hands a little. "You don't need to get a job or anything. I can get another job. You're right, I do own this house and-...No, we own this house, but you still don't need to get a job and...I'll just get another one..okay?"
The blonde pursed his lips and reached up to rub the back of his neck a bit awkwardly. He glanced up as Hayner continued, and cocked his head. "..Something else?"
"Nevermind," Hayner said quickly when Roxas repeated him, realizing just how lame and retarded it would be if he said anything. If anything, he was going to be impressive -- sometimes, that was just a lot harder than it should have been.
Letting out a sigh, Hayner looked to the side once more. Now, instead of Roxas, he was the one making things awkward. He let his hands slip from Roxas's shoulders. What was he trying to say here?
"Look, it's just... You do a lot for me." He talked to the floor. "You always try to get me out of my messes. You tried to get me out of jail, man. And it's not just that, and I know that... I know you pay for things sometimes and... Look, I need to make this up to you somehow. It's not my fault but it is and just..."
He was starting to feel almost twitchy by now. He couldn't get his point across at all. That, and he was talking way too much for his liking.
It got ten times weirder for Hayner, because he wrapped his arms around Roxas's shoulders and pulled him into a tight, more-than-normal type of embrace.
And it was weird.
"Let me do this, okay?" he murmered, though it wasn't exactly clear what he was talking about.
Roxas frowned a little. Hayner wasn't usually like this and it was...weird. Hayner was always strong and outspoken and opinionated...And now he was being quiet and...Roxas couldn't really explain it, but it made him frown a little more, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He opened his mouth to say something, but then thought twice and closed it, listening to Hayner instead.
"But it's n-.." Roxas began, but then stopped when Hayner suddenly hugged him. At first, he just stared, unsure what to do, but then he soon found himself gently patting his hand against Hayner's side with a quiet sigh. "...Okay."
Three seconds.
That was all it took after Roxas's little remark to remind him just how much of an idiot he was being. He pulled away, eyes avoiding that of the other's at all costs. He needed to go get ahold of himself somewhere, because he was beginning to freak even himself out, which wasn't a good sign.
"Um... yeah." He turned, making his way toward the door. "Yeah, uh," he laughed nervously a bit to himself, "I'm gonna jet. Gotta go... you know. Stuff to do, heh..."
The faster he could get out of here, the better.
Roxas cleared his throat and moved away, picking his jacket up off the chair. He messed with the hood for a moment and then draped the coat over one shoulder, shuffling in the direction of the kitchen.
The house was just one big open area, the "rooms" defined by what items were in what space. Roxas rummaged around in one of the counter drawers, fumbling with what looked like a match box. He frowned when he realized it was empty, setting it on the counter before he began to look for a new box. "..What?" he paused, glancing over his shoulder. "Oh...yeah...sure."
The blonde fumbled around in the drawer and came to the realization that there were no more matches left. He bit the inside of his cheek, pushing the door closed and turning to lean against the counter. It looked like he'd be going out later (seeing as leaving now with Hayner might seem a bit awkward) to get more... It would be getting dark in a few hours, and...Roxas didn't deal well with the dark... Not that anyone really knew. "Catch you..later...I guess..."